Survey * USA - Says Port Trucks Causing Pollution, Sickness
Seattle,WASH,USA -KIROTV -October 7, 2009:-- A survey of residents in two neighborhoods show some Seattleites believe the trucks going in and out of the Port of Seattle are making them sick... The low income advocacy group Port Sound Sage said 63 percent of residents surveyed in Georgetown and South Park believe emissions from the trucks are making them sick... The group said port truckers make an estimated 3,000 trips per day to and from the docks at the port, according to port figures...Many of the trucks drive through Georgetown and South Park, park on local streets overnight, and stop at related businesses in the neighborhood such as truck and trailer repair shops and container storage companies, Port Sound Sage said... Last year, Port Commissioners vowed to dramatically cut toxic soot by 2010 but many neighbors don't believe enough is being done...(Images Port of Seattle)
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