Australian Road vs Rail Freight * Australia - Row In Victoria Rumbles On
State Truck Numbers Reaching Critical Mass
Melbourne,VIC,Australia -Handy Shipping Guide –6 October 2009:-- Voices have been raised in the State of Victoria lately as residents wait anxiously for some sign that truck numbers transiting to and from the coast are reducing... The Governments original target, now supposedly abandoned, of 30% of all cargo to be carried by rail seems unrealistic. At the moment it is estimated that the figure is closer to 2%. The inception of the incredibly extensive Victoria Transport Plan is seen by many locals as long on promises but short on achievements...Shadow Transport Minister, Terry Mulder,has this week obtained his heavy rigid truck licence and admits it has opened his eyes to both sides of the problem.Unless action is taken forthwith however the chilling Government predictions for truck movements, from the present 600,000 or so today to over 1,100,000 by 2030 may cause social problems on an unprecedented scale...
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