TRUCKING INDUSTRY * USA - Federal ruling on truck cargo securement rules could come soon

* U.S., Mexican Partners Tout Calexico
Port saves 500 miles over Laredo, say trucking, intermodal firms
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Calexico,CAL,USA -The Journal of Commerce, by John D. Boyd -Oct 7, 2009: -- An alliance between U.S. and Mexican transportation companies is touting Calexico, Calif., as a time-saving consolidation point for intermodal loads bound for Mexico, compared with hauling those cargoes eastward to Laredo, Texas... Calexico, in California’s Imperial Valley, is just across the U.S.-Mexico border from Mexicali, Mexico, the state capital of Baja, Calif... TBM Intermodal said it currently uses 150 trucks to haul goods from U.S. distribution centers into Mexico through Laredo. But for shipments out of western states, the trip through Laredo adds 500 miles, said founder Jose Villarreal... TBM said it has allied with Mexican transport firm Grupo Infra, to handle intermodal at that junction, sending the cargoes through Mexico by using the Ferromex rail system... He also said using that port could save shippers 15 to 30 percent of their transportation costs, and could create about 500 direct jobs around Calexico and an equal number of indirect jobs...
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