User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: "AUTONOMOUS TRUCKS CORRIDOR" * Canada - USA - Mexico: The U.S. Highway 83

Apr 6, 2016

"AUTONOMOUS TRUCKS CORRIDOR" * Canada - USA - Mexico: The U.S. Highway 83

* North Dakota - 1,885-mile Autonomous Vehicle Highway would run from Canada to Mexico

-- North Dakota native Marlo Anderson and the Central North Trade Corridor Association are working on a plan that would create a highway for driverless vehicles. Anderson, known by some as the "Guru of Geek," is the host of the talk show "The Tech Ranch" ...  He has a love of technology that's tied to the prospect of driverless vehicles. Anderson and a small team of others have been working since 2014 on a project they call the Autonomous Friendly Corridor. And actually, it already exists. Kind of, anyhow. The corridor would be the 1,885-mile-long U.S. Highway 83, which Anderson calls “underused.” The road runs through North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. It crosses the northern border into Manitoba and touches the southern tip of the United States, ending at Mexico. In northern South Dakota, U.S. Highway 83 runs along the Missouri River through Campbell, Walworth and Potter counties. Under the current plan, the autonomous highway would be the first in the United States to allow driverless vehicles to transport cargo and humans... Anderson’s ideal test run would be driving — or rather not driving — from Bismarck, North Dakota, to Pierre, South Dakota, on U.S. Highway 83. He hopes for a test run in 2017... Meanwhile, Anderson and the corridor association are working toward creating a coalition of the six states and Canada. “It’s pretty strong now between Canada and North Dakota,” Anderson said. “This will set a footprint for the rest of the country to follow..." 
Bismarck, North Dakota, USA - Transport Topics - 5 April 2016

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