User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: FUEL EFFICIENCY RULES * USA: For trailers and glider kits

Apr 6, 2016

FUEL EFFICIENCY RULES * USA: For trailers and glider kits

* DC - EPA not backing off GHG rules for trailers, glider kits

-- Another indication that the federal government may indeed regulate truck trailers— and tractor glider kits, too— under the Phase 2 GHG (greenhouse gas)/MPG mandate came in the form of a “Notice of Data Availability” on the proposed rule jointly issued by the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency... The updated information touches on a range of elements of the proposal, including the “applicability of emission standards and certification responsibilities for trailers, glider vehicles, and glider kits” ... In a separate development, EPA has produced a “draft memorandum” that affirms its authority to regulate manufacturers of trailers and of glider kits concerning GHG emission limits, according to a recent Transport Topics news story... The new standards would regulate trailers for the first time and would make glider kits be subject to GHG limits. As proposed, the rule would require, starting in 2018, that engines used in glider kits meet the same standards as new vehicles...
 (Photo: Utility Trailer Manufacturing)   --  Washington, DC, USA - TruckingInfo, by David Cullen - March 24, 2016



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