User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' SOLIDARITY * Australia

Apr 5, 2016


* New South Wales - Mercy hay-run trucks get welcome break at Parkes, Dubbo

-- A convoy of trucks delivering much-needed hay from Far South Coast NSW to drought stricken Queensland farmers has received a great reception along the way... The hay was picked up from generous farmers along the way, including from Cobargo farmers Aaron Salway and Daniel Allen, but also at Bredbo and Boorowa, making up four trailers loaded up with 60 tons of hay... Mr Reid and the four trucks should arrive at Ilfracombe in the hub of the affected area in Queensland, part of a record-breaking 150-truck armada, on Friday... 
(Photo: Fairfax journalist Taylor Jurd at the Western Magazine in Dubbo) -- Narooma, NSW, USA - Narooma News, by Stan Gorton - April 1, 2016

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