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Apr 4, 2016

MILEAGE TAX * Belgium: May impact shipping

* Brussels - The competitiveness of Belgian ports probation

-- The introduction of the Belgian mileage tax for road transport over 3.5 tonnes on 1 April 2016 may impact shipping... All the steps taken in recent months to draw the attention of the Belgian authorities, either to cancel or to postpone the introduction of the kilometer tax for road transport were unsuccessful. Port authorities fear a loss of competitiveness... This is at least what authorities fear the ports of Anvers, Ghent and Zeebrugge... In the North, the Netherlands are in no hurry to announce the date on which they adopt the kilometer tax, a situation Rotterdam and other Dutch ports will try to exploit. In the South, in France, this type of tax collection is more the order of the day. Le Havre and Dunkirk do not hesitate to encourage French shippers and receivers to reconsider their strategy both on imports and the export Belgian ports becoming more expensive...
Brussels, Belgium - WK Transport et Logistique - 30 March 2016



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