"RESHORING" * USA: Spur demand for trucking
* More freight “touches” would translate into greater need for capacity
-- A growing movement to bring so-called “advanced manufacturing” back to the U.S. – a strategic effort dubbed “reshoring” or sometimes "nearshoring" – could significantly ramp up truck capacity demand as well, according to two experts... Between 2000 and 2011, Rosemary Coates, executive director of the Reshoring Institute said, some 2.7 million U.S. jobs were lost to offshoring, making China a huge global manufacturing “hub” in the process, with 35% to 40% of the world’s manufacturing now touching that nation or physically based there... By Coates’ estimation, reshoring can bring some 750,000 jobs back to the U.S. largely in the “advanced manufacturing” sector, where the production of more “high dollar” finished goods such as small motors, molded plastics, and high-end textiles... Where does trucking benefit in all of this? Reshored manufacturing basically aims to bring production as close to the consumer as possible, meaning more regionalized – even localized – distribution patterns for goods, she indicated; a trend that could potentially help motor carriers develop more “balanced” lanes that get drivers home more frequently... Yet it’s a trend picking up speed as since 2003 the rate of offshoring decreased by 70% of 80%, while reshoring initiatives increased 1,500% over the same time span...
(Photo by Sean Kilcarr/Fleet Owner - Reshoring could create a "multiplier effect" for freight flows in the U.S.) -- NY, USA - Fleet Owner, by Sean Kilcarr - Mar 25, 2016
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