User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: MILEAGE TAX * Belgium & France: "Complete chaos"

Apr 3, 2016

MILEAGE TAX * Belgium & France: "Complete chaos"

* Brussels & Paris - The entry into force of the Belgian mileage tax is going wrong

-- Professional organizations of Belgian carriers (Febetra) and French (FNTR) denounce the many dysfunctions that dot the implementation on 1 April 2016, the tax on heavy trucks in Belgium. "Complete chaos', thus Febetra qualifies the entry into force, 1 April 2016, the odometer HGV tax in the three Belgian regions (Brussels, Flanders, Wallonia). Some road carriers also set up roadblocks in protest , telling our colleagues at RTL Belgium. The Royal Belgian Federation of Transport and logistics providers told observe a series of malfunctions. Thus the On Board Unit (OBU). Devices "that were ordered well in time are still not delivered, many are faulty, the call center which should give instructions in case of problems is unreachable, different service points are either off or there no OBU available, "she list, "A start completely missed" ... His French colleague, FNTR, did not wait for April 1, 2016 to advance its own solution. In a statement on the March 31, the federation demanded a postponement of the launch of the Belgian tax. Like it believes its Dutch and Spanish counterparts. And FNTR encrypt more than 3,000 French cars - about 10,000 involved - the number of those who have been able to build a housing or in possession of faulty units. "Failure obvious to the operator" ... A message that the coordinator and manager of the Belgian system, Viapass, seems not to have heard if we are to believe its news release dated April 1. It confirms, in fact, that checks will begin the same day...
 (Photo from Satellic - "The French carriers do not have to suffer the obvious shortcomings of the operator in the management of this system and in particular the absence of test period" advance FNTR) Paris, France & Brussels, Belgium - WK Transport & Logistique - 1 April 2016



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