User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ELECTRIC INCIDENTS with TRUCKS * Australia

Apr 2, 2016


* New South Wales - Spike in electrical incidents sparks warning

-- Drivers and machinery operators are warned to be vigilant around powerlines and aware of emergency response procedures after an increase in vehicles contacting Essential Energy's overhead electricity network across New South Wales last month... General Manager Safety, HR and Environment, David Nardi, said the February incidents - 14 in southern NSW, seven in northern NSW and five on the North Coast - had highlighted the importance of operator awareness of load and machinery heights in relation to overhead powerlines... In the event of contact with the electricity network, Essential Energy advises drivers and operators to remain inside the vehicle and treat all powerlines as live... "If it's unsafe to stay inside the vehicle, such as in the event of a fire, drivers should jump well clear to avoid simultaneous contact with the vehicle and the ground," Mr Nardi said... "Land with your feet together and shuffle in this position until you are eight metres clear of the vehicle, powerlines or anything in contact with them. Once clear, do not return to the vehicle for any reason" ... Essential Energy recommends operators and drivers practice this evacuation technique on a regular basis... "It's important to remember that when a vehicle contacts powerlines, it causes an electrical current to flow through it which can result in tyres exploding either on contact or up to 24 hours later, due to a build-up of heat and gas," Mr Nardi said... "A tyre explosion can be violent and throw debris up to 300 metres, potentially seriously injuring people nearby so stay well clear of the vehicle. Contrary to popular belief, tyres do not insulate against electricity as they contain carbon black and metal, which are conductors" ... 
(Photo: High voltage power lines and trucks)   --  Sidney, NSW, Australia - Big Rigs, by Cobey Bartels - 31st Mar 2016



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