User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: DANGEROUS DRIVERS * Canada

Nov 9, 2012


* BC - Let impatient drivers pass you

Vancouver,BC,CAN -The Province, by John G. Stirling -NOV 6, 2012: -- If a trucker thinks might is right, back off and watch his lights disappear... You don't have to be a truck driver to know there is a lot of truth to the cliché that says something about it takes all kinds of people to make the world go around... That is very true in the commercial trucking industry, especially when it comes to drivers. There are some very, very good drivers and others that would make your blood go cold... Two major factors determine good or scary drivers. The good ones are usually drivers who have been on the road for a while. Started as a company driver, assigned a real piece-of-you-know-what vehicle, but always made their appointments on time, and tried to make that vehicle look as though it just came out of the showroom. I kid you not. You'd be surprised what can be done with a little imagination, some elbow grease and a helper who has an unbelievable knowledge of how to make old look new. Bless them...



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