Port of Oakland commissioners agreed Tuesday they want narrow exemptions when their ban on old "dirty-diesel" trucks entering the port goes into effect Jan. 1
Oakland,CAL,USA -The Oakland Tribune/Contra Costa Times, by Denis Cuff -8/2009: ... In a 5-0 decision, port commissioners favored the stricter of two rule options that port administrators presented to carry out a ban agreed to by commissioners June 16. The port ban is intended to give teeth to a state ban, which requires diesel soot filters on truck models built from 1994 to 2003 if they are to enter California ports. Oakland port commissioners said they are willing to allow an exemption to enter the port for one day to a non-filtered truck that is hauling beef, peaches and perishable goods, or if the vehicle is an oversized truck with special loads restricted to certain travel routes for safety reasons. Turning away those trucks on their first trip to the port after Jan. 1 would be too harsh, commissioners said... To the delight of environmentalists, port commissioners rejected a more liberal option to allow a trucker with an old dirty engine to enter the port as many as 10 times in 2010... (Photo Above: Map of San Francisco and the Port of Oakland. Middle Harbor Shoreline Park)Labels: Clean Trucks Program
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