User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Greenhouse Gases * USA - Cars and Trucks Aren't the Only Source on the Nation's Roada

Apr 7, 2008

Greenhouse Gases * USA - Cars and Trucks Aren't the Only Source on the Nation's Roada

The Streetlights Are Too

East Lansing,MI,USA -Environmental Resources at the MSU Libraries -6 April 2008: -- The nation's roads are a major source of greenhouse gases - but it's not just from the cars and trucks traveling on them. The lamps that light the way for those vehicles gobble up their share of energy, too... By switching to a more efficient lighting for their roads, the 10 largest metropolitan areas could reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions by 1.2 million metric tons - the equivalent of taking 212,000 vehicles off the road - and save $90 million a year, according to a study released in March... "Even if there wasn't the thought of global warming, this would make sense because it saves electricity, it saves taxpayer dollars," said Robert Grow, the study's author and government relations director of the Greater Washington Board of Trade. "It's really a no-brainer."...



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