User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Participative - USA - Voters urged to back funding for diesel emissions plan

Nov 10, 2005

Participative - USA - Voters urged to back funding for diesel emissions plan

TRENTON, NJ,USA -Asbury Park Press/ASSOCIATED PRESS -6 Nov 2005: -- Advocates say a constitutional amendment on Tuesday's ballot could have New Jersey residents quite literally breathing easier... "Ballot Question No. 2" asks voters whether they would like to allocate money to a plan designed to reduce diesel soot from transit buses, garbage trucks and publicly owned diesel vehicles and also limit students' exposure to diesel soot emissions from school buses... New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner, Bradley M. Campbell, called the measure "a public health bargain," saying it would have far-reaching public health benefits like reducing childhood asthma without costing taxpayers more money... If approved by voters, the measure would pay for retrofitting of all public and private diesel transit buses, diesel garbage trucks — both public and private ones paid for with public money — and publicly owned diesel vehicles with equipment to reduce diesel soot emissions... About 30,000 vehicles would be retrofitted over the next 10 years, and the entire cost would be paid by the state... The retrofitting has been approved by the Legislature and was signed into law by acting Gov. Codey on Sept. 7... It's on Tuesday's ballot because funding for the program comes from the corporation business tax, a tax on businesses designed to pay for specific environmental issues such as cleaning up brownfields. Any changes in where the money goes requires a voter-approved constitutional amendment...


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