Prices - USA - Diesel run truckers off the road
San Antonio,TX,USA -San Antonio Express (subscription), by Vicki Vaughan-06 Nov 2005: -- If you think it's bad filling up your gas-guzzling SUV, try filling a fleet of trucks with diesel fuel... Diesel, which historically had been cheaper than gasoline, soared to record levels last month. While gasoline prices are easing after a huge spike in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, diesel has stayed high. Experts say diesel could cost even more next year... Its high cost is likely to ripple through the U.S. economy, as 70 percent of the nation's goods are delivered by truck and rail and farmers depend on diesel to power their equipment... It was more costly diesel, along with other rising expenses, long hours and paperwork, that convinced San Antonio resident Jeff Barker to sell his big rig last summer... "I sensed that we were going to have events to drive up fuel prices, and I decided to get out while I was still ahead," said Barker, who has racked up more than 1 million miles in almost 10 years as a driver... "If an owner-operator encounters a major breakdown with his or her truck with profit margins as thin as they are, chances are their profits made for the week, or the entire month, are used to pay for those repairs," he said in an e-mail from the road... Now, as an employee-driver for Crete Carrier Corp. of Lincoln, Neb., "I may not have the freedom I had before, but I don't have the same responsibilities," Barker said. "I sleep a lot better"...
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