User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Cleaning - Japan - Mitsubishi trims losses as it continues to fight scandal image

Nov 10, 2005

Cleaning - Japan - Mitsubishi trims losses as it continues to fight scandal image

TOKYO,Japan -The Detroit News(USA)/AP , by Yuri Kageyama -Nov 10, 2005: -- Mitsubishi Motors Corp., struggling to overcome defect scandals, said Thursday it lost 63.8 billion yen ($543 million) in the half-year through September, although that was an improvement over the heftier 178.8 billion yen loss racked up the same period a year ago... Losses were reduced during the six months through September compared to a year ago because of the absence of one-time losses charged the previous year for free vehicle inspection programs to win back customer trust and clean up its image... Mitsubishi, the nation's fourth-biggest carmaker, has seen its sales in Japan plunge after acknowledging five years ago that it had systematically hidden auto defects for more than two decades to avoid recalls... Since then it has announced a string of recalls, including recalls for the same vehicles recalled earlier. In a further embarrassment, the cover-ups have continued even after executives had repeatedly promised to come clean...


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