User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Hybrids - Canada - Trucks rise to challenge

Nov 10, 2005

Hybrids - Canada - Trucks rise to challenge

International Truck and Engine built 12 electric-diesel prototypes to be tested by utilities across North America, including Hydro-Quebec

Montreal,QUE,Canada -The Gazette, by CHRIS VANDER DOELEN -Nov 07, 2005: -- Electrical utilities have been clamouring for a hybrid diesel service truck to cut their fleet fuel costs. This month, International Truck and Engine will become the first truck maker to heed their call... The company has no immediate plans to expand its hybrid system to Class 8 heavy-duty tractor-trailer units, Trueblood said... "The Class 8 trucks don't lend themselves to this technology as well because they're not doing the start-stop," he said. "They're out there on the highway cruising all day."... Owners of hybrid cars already on the market say they can get mileage around six litres per 100 kilometres in stop-and-go traffic and city driving, but only average mileage at highway speeds...


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