User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRAFFIC HAZARD * Saudi Arabia: Trucks and tankers are a threat to other road users

Feb 9, 2015

TRAFFIC HAZARD * Saudi Arabia: Trucks and tankers are a threat to other road users

* Jeddah: Trucks, tankers add to traffic woes

-- Jeddah drivers who own small cars complained about the dangers of heavy trucks and tankers who put other motorists at risk, as they don’t respect traffic regulations... According to drivers who navigate through the streets everyday, the threat drastically increases when a car gets stuck in traffic behind tankers carrying cement, steel or other heavy material. Motorists fear that this kind of equipment will fall on their car, causing severe injuries or death, since the trucks don’t abide to official cargo regulations... Other drivers and pedestrians claim some trucks stop at the entrances and main squares of cities and neighborhoods, without official permission. Residents argue they have no knowledge of what happens inside these parked trucks, though they suspect many times drivers use them to take naps or sleep during the night... Jeddah, Saudi Arabia -The Arab News -8 February 2015



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