User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: HOS STUDY* USA: Virginia Tech to conduct critical truck driver work hours

Feb 8, 2015

HOS STUDY* USA: Virginia Tech to conduct critical truck driver work hours

* Truck driver hours of service rules

-- The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute is preparing to begin a congressionally mandated study of truck driver hours of service rules, focusing on recently suspended restart provisions. The study will eventually be used to determine whether those restart rules should be scrapped or reinstated, or new U.S.A. regulations developed to better reduce driver fatigue... An estimated 250 truck drivers from various types of carriers will take part in the five-month study, which will examine the effect of the 34-hour restart on driver fatigue and safety... The study is the latest step in a long debate over how many hours U.S.A. truck drivers should spend driving, working and resting each day and week. Since 2004, the trucker HOS rules have permitted 11 hours of driving and three hours of non-driving on-duty time per day... The rules have gone through several permutations, however, with versions of the regulations overturned by court challenges and congressional action and superseded by new rules... After the Federal Motor Carrier Administration introduced the latest version of the HOS rules in 2013, the debate focused on the 34-hour restart provision, introduced in 2004 to help drivers “restart” their duty-cycle clock more quickly and begin a new work week... Blacksburg, VA, USA -JOC, by William B. Cassidy -Feb 05, 2015

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