User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING STRIKE * USA: Truck drivers say Oakland Port slowdown impacting business

Feb 8, 2015

TRUCKING STRIKE * USA: Truck drivers say Oakland Port slowdown impacting business

(Photo: The image to the left show trucks outside the Port of Oakland SSA terminal) 
-- Truck drivers, who haul shipping containers to and from the docks, are complaining about the slowdown at the Port of Oakland, as the union and shipping companies battle over terms of a new contract... Negotiations have been underway for nine months to replace a contract that expired last July... Longshoremen make roughly $26 to $36 an hour to load and unload cargo containers at 29 West Coast ports. Oakland is the third largest... But it's the drivers, who haul the containers to and from the docks, who are complaining the loudest. The Pacific Maritime Association, representing the shippers, claims the union has engaged in a work slowdown... It points at 14 to 16 ships anchored in the Bay and outside the Golden Gate Bridge that are waiting to berth at the docks. And drivers say they're losing money... They earn from $250 to $1,500 per container trucked, depending on distance... The management group lays blame square on the union... Contract talks continue. The union says they're close. Management is threatening to shut down the port... Oakland,CAL,USA -KGO, by David Louie -February 05, 2015



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