User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKS MARKET * USA & Canada: Blame millennials for not buying cars

Feb 6, 2015

TRUCKS MARKET * USA & Canada: Blame millennials for not buying cars

* Ontario / Canada - Too many trucks and SUV's on the road?

(Photo: Ford's pickup trucks on Kansas City factory) 
-- Auto sales put the pedal to the metal in January... Parking lots across the U.S.A. are getting tighter as Americans increasingly pick large SUV’s, crossovers, and pickups over hatchbacks and sedans...  While improving unemployment and cheap gas prices help explain the trend towards trucks, it’s also got something to do with who is not showing up at dealerships... It’s no secret that the percentage of vehicle sales to 18-to-34-year-olds has dropped significantly over the past several years... While auto makers scratch their heads as to why millennials are not getting behind the wheel, the near term impact may work in their favour as older customers opt for larger, higher margin vehicles loaded with optional features... Toronto, Ontario, Canada -BNN -January 6, 2015



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