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Feb 5, 2015


* Chinese city really does have a two-headed, German-made fire truck

(Images: QQ, Wikipedia/Christophe Jacquet: We’re sure the drivers of these dual-headed fire trucks are thankful for the option to reverse course without having to spend the time to turn around, just like fire victims are no doubt grateful for anything that gets the firefighters to the scene even a second more quickly)
-- Speed is of the utmost importance for emergency responders. When a fire breaks out, for instance, a delay in rescue workers arriving on-site can directly lead to lives being lost... But while fire trucks have powerful, torquey engines that enable them to haul a full team and all of their firefighting equipment, they aren’t the most nimble vehicles when you need to bust a U-turn on a narrow road... Thankfully, some firefighters in China’s Nanjing City don’t have to worry about pulling off such complex maneuvers on their way to a blaze, thanks to their crazy-looking double-headed fire engines that can be driven in either direction...The vehicular Frankenstein’s monster isn’t the creation of a Chinese company, either... Nanjing,China -Rockeet News 24, by Casey Baseel -3 Jan 2015

* New Jersey: : Noise makers for electric cars / trucks,  won’t be law in the U.S.A. until 2018

(Photo: The 2015 VW e-Golf includes noise fakery. Come 2018, all U.S.-market electric and hybrid cars will need it)
 -- Regardless of your opinion on them, rules mandating that all plug-in and hybrid cars make some form of artificial noise to alert pedestrians of their presence have long been promised by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) following a large amount of lobbying by the National Federation for the Blind... In fact, it was as far back as 2011 that a law — the Pedestrian Safety Act — was put onto the books to ensure that automakers include noise makers on all hybrid and plug-in vehicles. But despite being on the books for four years, there still isn’t an agreed implementation detailing how automakers must comply with the law... Hammering out that implementation has been the job of NHTSA since the law was passed, but as Wards Auto detailed last week, despite originally planning to bring guidelines into force far sooner. NHTSA has now set a deadline of September 2018 for all automakers to comply... Bloomfield, New Jersey, USA -Transport Evolved, by NIKKI GORDON -February 2, 2015



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