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Feb 5, 2015

TRUCK MARKET * USA: January sales held strong

* Indiana - Class 8 truck orders unusually robust for the first month of the year

-- FTR Tuesday released preliminary data showing last month’s North American Class 8 truck net orders at 35,060 units. And while tractor orders cooled from the torrid pace of the fourth quarter of 2014, this the strongest activity for January since 2006. In addition, it is a two percent improvement year-over-year. Orders fell back into more traditional patterns with most, but not all, OEMs continuing their strong order momentum. Class 8 orders have totaled 377,000 over the past 12 months... Bloomington, IN, USA -Trucking News-February 4, 2015

* Indiana - ACT Research: Demand demains high for class 5-8 trucks in january

-- While it’s true that January’s orders failed to match December’s near-record order intake, demand for new Classes 5-8 vehicles in the North American market remained elevated during the month, according to ACT Research... For the month, preliminary data indicate that 53,200 North American Classes 5-8 vehicle net orders were booked — a volume that represents a decline of 21 percent from December, but also a 5 percent improvement from a very strong year-ago January... While orders moderated to their lowest volume since September, January’s orders represent a 638,400-unit annualized order placement rate. Actual numbers will be released mid-February... At 17,800 units in January, Classes 5-7 orders rose 11 percent compared to year-ago levels, but fell 22 percent from December’s second-best month of the cycle order volume... January’s medium-duty orders fell slightly below build expectations, suggesting that backlogs are likely to be 1,000 to 2,000 units lower when the complete data set is compiled mid-month in ACT’s Classes 5-8 Vehicles report... Columbus, IN, USA -Trucking News -February 5, 2015

* New York - GM, Ford, Toyota, Chrysler post double-digit percentage increases

-- Auto makers report higher January sales of sport-utility vehicles and trucks, which are benefiting from declining fuel prices... Fueled by low gasoline prices and easier credit, the U.S. auto industry pulled its recent winning streak into 2015 with a nearly 14% January sales increase and over half of sales comprised of high priced pickups and sport-utility vehicles... The momentum, which includes double-digit percentage sales increase for each of the Detroit Three car makers compared with the same period a year ago, continues the upturn’s major trends: U.S.A. demand for trucks and sport-utility vehicles are skyrocketing amid $2-per-gallon gasoline, boosting transaction prices and margins at a time when the rest of the global auto industry offers little profit potential... NY,USA -The Wall Street Journal, by CHRISTINA ROGERS and JOHN D. STOLL -Feb. 3, 2015



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