User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: * Canada - Port Metro Vancouver "A blatant conflict of interest"

Feb 6, 2015

* Canada - Port Metro Vancouver "A blatant conflict of interest"

* British Columbia - Union reacts to new Port Metro Vancouver trucking commissioner

(Photograph by: DARRYL DYCK , THE CANADIAN PRESS: Striking container truck drivers parked their trucks in downtown Vancouver during a job action rally on March 21, 2014)
-- The union representing container truck drivers at Port Metro Vancouver claims the hiring of a new trucking commissioner is a "blatant conflict of interest" ... The B.C. government has appointed Andy Smith as the container trucking commissioner, but Unifor spokesman Gavin McGarrigle said Wednesday that Smith is the chief executive officer for the B.C. Maritime Employers Association. He said that creates a bias because Smith speaks for terminal operators who pay for waiting times... Port Metro Vancouver has initiated a new licensing system with the intent of reducing the number of trucks accessing container terminals to about 1,500, from the 2,000 that were previously licensed. The move is part of ongoing efforts to prevent another work stoppage like the near month-long strike last spring that left an estimated $3-billion-plus worth of container cargo piled up on the docks... Vancouver,BC,CAN -The VANCOUVER SUN, by TIFFANY CRAWFORD -FEBRUARY 4, 2015



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