User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Unemployment Rate * Canada - Climbs to 6.7% in B.C.

Mar 15, 2009

Unemployment Rate * Canada - Climbs to 6.7% in B.C.

BC,CAN -CBC news -March 13, 2009: -- B.C.'s unemployment rate rose more than half a percentage point in February, hitting 6.7 per cent, as an estimated 14,000 people joined the ranks of the jobless... Paul Landry, the president of the B.C. Trucking Association, said jobs are being lost in that industry as freight volumes fall, and predicted more people will become unemployed as companies begin to shut down... The job section of the association's website has only two job postings for truckers at the moment and Landry predicts some of the smaller players in the trucking industry will disappear due to a lack of work...

* Survey suggests modest hiring climate for second quarter

Toronto,ONT,CAN -Transportation & Logistics -12 March 2009: -- Canadian job seekers should expect slim pickins from April to June, according to a recent Manpower Employment Outlook Survey... The survey of more than 1,900 Canadian employers reveals that 15% expect to increase their payrolls in the second quarter of 2009, while 9% anticipate cutbacks for a Net Employment Outlook (NEO) 6%. Of those polled, 73% of employers plan to maintain their current workforce and 3% are unsure of their hiring intentions for the upcoming quarter...



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