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Mar 13, 2009

TRUCKING BUSINESS * USA - Economy Slows Ones

PA,USA -cbs21, by Ewa Roman -13 March 2009: -- You may have noticed less trucks on the PA Turnpike these days. It's another sign of the hurting economy. In the past six months, a turnpike spokesperson says truck traffic dropped almost 10-percent... That's not good news, especially since tolls pay to fix roads and bridges in Pennsylvania... Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association President James Runk says as soon as the trucking business starts speeding up again, we'll all know it... Experts say they expect the trucking industry to bottom out this fall...

* Texas wants drivers to OK UST registration

TXS,USA -Bulk Transporter -Mar 13, 2009: -- The Texas Motor Truck Association (TMTA) is working hard to prevent a Texas proposal that would require carriers' drivers to determine if underground storage tanks (UST) they are delivering to are properly registered... John Esparza at TMTA said opponents of the bill are briefing legislators on the issue in an attempt to prevent its enactment... John Conley, president of the National Tank Truck Carriers (NTTC), warned that similar regulations exist in some states, while others have no such requirements...



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