User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TAXES * USA - Officials Seek Way to Fill a Gas Tax Gap

Mar 13, 2009

TAXES * USA - Officials Seek Way to Fill a Gas Tax Gap

New York,NY,USA -The New York Times, by Steve Friess -7 March 2009: -- As officials across the United States test systems to levy fees based on road usage rather than per-gallon fuel taxes for transportation funding, the concept appears to be gaining support despite misgivings from economists, privacy advocates, and others... The idea was also pointed up by Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood when he said the Obama administration is considering some type of "vehicle miles traveled" tax, although White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs countered this the following day by saying support for such a tax "is not and will not be the policy of the Obama administration."... There are nonetheless studies of a type of mileage tax going on, with the largest being the federal Road User Study, which involves more than 1,200 volunteers in six cities using cars with tracking devices... Oregon is also testing the idea, and the North Carolina Legislature is considering a per-mile fee to be paid with the annual vehicle registration fee. Mileage-based taxes are also being looked at in Massachusetts and Nevada... (Photo by pro.corbis}



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