User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BIOFUELS * USA - BP Jumps Into Next-Generation Biofuels

Mar 13, 2009

BIOFUELS * USA - BP Jumps Into Next-Generation Biofuels

With Plans to Build Florida Refinery

New York,NY,USA -The Wall Street Journal, by Russell Gold -19 Feb 2009: -- The energy firm BP PLC is making a major investment in extracting transportation fuel from plants as part of its effort to move rapidly to produce the next generation of biofuels. The company is extending an existing partnership with Verenium Corp. to include developing what would be the world's biggest facility to make biofuels from inedible plants such as grass. The facility, to be built in Florida, will be 25 times larger than Verenium's biofuels refinery in Mermentau, LA, a pilot project with BP that was commissioned only two weeks ago and currently is the world's largest such facility. The rapid move from starting a demonstration-scale refinery to pursuing a full-scale biofuels facility reflects the interest in cellulosic ethanol, which comes from breaking down plant material and turning it into ethanol that can be used to displace crude-oil-based fuels in cars and trucks... The next step is turning that process into a commercially viable business that can operate on an industrial scale...



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