User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BORDER TROUBLES * USA - Truckers warned about U.S.-Mexico border violence

Mar 13, 2009

BORDER TROUBLES * USA - Truckers warned about U.S.-Mexico border violence

U.S. truckers are asked to be on the alert to growing violence on the Southwest U.S. border with Mexico

Alexandria,VA,USA -Land Line Magazine -12 March 2009: -- The Highway ISAC issued an “unclassified” alert the first week of March detailing the increase in violence among Mexican drug cartels – on both sides of the border. The main area of concern highlighted in the alert is in and around Ciudad Juarez... As part of the cross-border program with Mexico, U.S. motor carriers admitted to the program were granted access to Mexico beyond border zones. The ISAC alert encourages U.S. truckers to be vigilant and alert of their surroundings... The ISAC alert also encourages truckers to:

* Drive on the toll roads when possible as they are more secure;
* Leave an itinerary with a friend or family member not traveling with you;
* Check cell phone coverage of the areas you plan to be in;
* Report in at every stop, no matter whether it is scheduled or not;
* Set a routine time period for checking in; for example, call in every four hours;
* Call before and after deliveries; and
* Establish a duress code so you can communicate even while being threatened.



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