User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING INDUSTRY NEWS * USA - YRC Worldwide to shut down 11 service centers

Mar 20, 2009

TRUCKING INDUSTRY NEWS * USA - YRC Worldwide to shut down 11 service centers

Overland Park,Kansas,TX,USA -Associated Press/Forbes -20 March 2009: -- Trucking company YRC Worldwide disclosed on Friday that it would shut down 11 service centers used by its Holland subsidiary, shifting the work to other trucking service centers by the end of the first quarter... The move will affect 350 workers, who can apply for open positions elsewhere in the company, YRC said... YRC said it would serve Baltimore, Albany and Syracuse, N.Y., Allentown, Bedford, DuBois, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and Wilkes-Barre, Penn. through a partnership with New Penn... Nine Holland service centers in those markets will shut down...



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