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Mar 19, 2009

GENERAL STRIKE * France - To Halt All Transport

Ports, railroads, air lines targeted in national strike Thursday

Paris,France -The Journal of Commerce Online (London,UK), by Bruce Barnard -Mar 18, 2009: -- France's freight transport system faces paralysis on March 19 as longshoremen, railroad workers, truckers and air cargo handlers join a 24-hour general strike to protest against President Nicolas Sarkozy's economic policies... The nationwide stoppage, due to start at 8 p.m. local time on March 18, is expected to halt most rail freight shipments on state-owned SNCF and private companies, including maritime container traffic and international services... The strike, called by France's main trade unions, follows a 24-hour stoppage on January 29 which also severely disrupted cargo transport and brought an estimated 2.5 million protestors onto the streets... The CGT union, which represents most port workers, has warned of further strikes if the government does not respond to its demands for tougher measures to combat rising unemployment and protect living standards...



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