User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: AWARDS * Australia - ATA announces nominees for industry awards

Mar 19, 2009

AWARDS * Australia - ATA announces nominees for industry awards

Finalists for the awards were announced today by the Australian Trucking Association (ATA), which hosts the annual event

Sydney,Australia -ATN -19 March 2009: -- Trucking business operator Carol Single has the chance to scoop two awards at this year’s Australian Trucking Convention, while her husband has also been nominated... Single has been nominated to receive awards in the National Trucking Industry Woman of the Year and the Outstanding Contribution to the Australian Trucking Industry categories... Single’s husband and business partner Ian will also complete in the Outstanding Contribution category... The Singles join a host of other nominees, who will be announced during the Australian Trucking Convention on the Gold Coast in April...



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