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Mar 18, 2009

MEXICANS' TRUCKS * USA - Mexico moves to protect consumer in U.S. trade spat

Pride: "The Administration is walking a difficult line"

Mexico City,DF,MEX/Washington,DC,USA -Reuters/The News Daily, by Mica Rosenberg & Doug Palmer -17 March 2009: --
Mexico pledged on Tuesday that tariffs slapped on U.S. goods would exclude staple foods and would not hurt consumers, but the first major trade flap of the Obama administration prompted concerns about growing worldwide barriers to trade... Mexico, angered by Washington's move to block Mexican trucks from using U.S. highways, said on Monday it would raise tariffs on 90 American agricultural and manufactured products, about $2.4 billion worth of exports from 40 U.S. states... A NAFTA dispute settlement panel ruled in 2001 that a blanket restriction against Mexican trucks entering the United States violated U.S. obligations under NAFTA. The panel gave Mexico the right to retaliate, but it refrained when the Bush administration pledged compliance... The dispute will be an early test for President Barack Obama's choice to be U.S. trade representative, former Mayor Ron Kirk. He has promised to make sure other countries abide by trade deals they make... Mexico is a top export market for U.S. beef, pork, chicken, turkey, soybeans, and cotton, among other products... Daniel Price, a trade advisor in the Bush administration, said the issue could signal Obama's stance toward NAFTA and pending trade deals with Colombia and South Korea...



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