User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: STIMULUS PLAN * China - Government to reimburse farmers for vehicles

Mar 17, 2009

STIMULUS PLAN * China - Government to reimburse farmers for vehicles

Shanghai,China -Xinhua News Agency/The Detroit News (USA) -17 March 2009: -- China will reimburse up to 5,000 yuan (about $730) on farmers' purchases of light trucks and minivans, according to a plan aimed at boosting vehicle sales in the countryside to help counter an economic slowdown, the Finance Ministry said... Details of the plan were outlined in a Finance Ministry statement reported by the official Xinhua News Agency and other state media Monday... GM's mini vehicle joint venture, SAIC-GM-Wuling , which claims about a 50 percent share of the Chinese market for such vehicles, will likely be one of the biggest beneficiaries from the plan... (Photo: Wuling Mini Van/ Cargo Van/Mini Passenger Car)



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