User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: SAFETY INSPECTION * USA - 143 truck drivers cited during Oregon crackdown

Mar 16, 2009

SAFETY INSPECTION * USA - 143 truck drivers cited during Oregon crackdown

Portland,OR,USA -AP/Oregon Live -15 March 2009: -- Safety inspections for truck drivers took 143 off the road temporarily in Oregon as part of a state program to reduce crashes with a truck driver at fault... More than 530 inspections were completed by the Oregon Department of Transportation last week at the Woodburn and Hubbard weigh stations along Highway 99 and Interstate 5, respectively... The safety stops focused on commercial drivers and included checking logbooks and qualifications to make sure drivers were complying with federal and state regulations on hours of service... (Photo Oregon police in ODOT inspection)



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