User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING INDUSTRY NEWS * Canada - Acquisitions drive revenue growth for TransForce

Mar 15, 2009

TRUCKING INDUSTRY NEWS * Canada - Acquisitions drive revenue growth for TransForce

Montreal,Que,CAN -Transportation & Logistics -12 March 2009: -- TransForce reported a profit of $14.8 million for the fourth quarter of 2008 and $79.7 million for the year, up significantly from the previous year... The company posted a $30.9 million loss in the fourth quarter of 2007 and net income of $44.8 million for all of 07. Revenue was up 10% to $544.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2008, the company reported, attributing the increase to acquisitions including Groupe Thibodeau...

* Diversification drives profit for Trimac

Calgary,Albta,CAN -Transportation & Logistics -13 March 2009: -- Trimac has credited its “diversification by customer, industry, product and geography” with its ability to post a profit in a challenging operating environment... The company’s fourth quarter profit of $3 million was up from $2.2 million the year before but its full year profit of $13.8 million was down from $17.4 million in 2007. Revenue was down 1.2% on the year and 1.5% for the fourth quarter, the company reported...



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