User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TOLLS * USA - Lawmakers seek limits on toll road projects

Mar 15, 2009

TOLLS * USA - Lawmakers seek limits on toll road projects

Plan is for private entities to add lanes, charge fees

Carson City,NV,USA -Las Vegas Sun, by Cy Ryan -Mar 14, 2009: -- With the Nevada Transportation Department seeking to test toll lanes in Clark County, lawmakers want the state to set standards for such public-private partnerships... The Transportation Department will submit a bill to the Legislature for a toll lane pilot project on 19 miles of Las Vegas Valley freeways. Under the plan, a private company would widen the freeways and charge a fee for use of the new lanes... The tolls would vary based on the level of traffic congestion at the time... (Photo: A Rocky mountain road, Nevada)



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