User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Winter Weight * Canada - Saskatchewan removal now in effect

Mar 16, 2009

Winter Weight * Canada - Saskatchewan removal now in effect

The heavier weight allowances were formally removed in the southwest corner March 1

Regina,Sask,CAN -Truck News -16 March 2009: -- Truckers and shippers across Saskatchewan have been advised by the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure to begin reducing the size of their loads on secondary weight highways... When roadbeds are solidly frozen in winter, truckers can carry heavier loads, but weights revert back down to normal limits throughout the rest of the year, according to the Ministry announcement. However, during the most fragile spring thaw period, truckers must adhere to six-week spring road bans, where loads are reduced a further 10% to 15% from normal weights on banned roadways... (Photo: truck winter travel)



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