User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: MEXICANS' TRUCKS * Mexico - Sets Tariffs Over Cross-Border Truck Plan

Mar 16, 2009

MEXICANS' TRUCKS * Mexico - Sets Tariffs Over Cross-Border Truck Plan

City of Mexico,MEX -AP/Transport Topics (USA) -16 March 2009: -- Mexican officials said Monday they plan to increase tariffs on about 90 U.S. products in retaliation for a U.S. decision to cancel a pilot cross-border trucking program between the two countries... The Mexican Economy Department said the decision violates a provision of the North American Free Trade Agreement that was supposed to have opened cross-border trucking years ago... Mexican officials said at a news conference in Mexico City the measure will affect about $2.4 billion in trade, including about 90 agricultural and industrial products from 40 U.S. states, AP reported...

* USA - Facing Mexican tariffs, U.S. seeks new trucking pact

Washington,DC,USA -Reuters -Mar 16, 2009: -- The White House said on Monday it is working to create a new cross-border, long-distance trucking program between Mexico and the United States after the previous program was killed in the 2009 appropriations bill... Spokesman Robert Gibbs told a briefing the White House wanted to work with lawmakers, Mexican officials and the U.S. trade representative to come up with a new trucking scheme after Mexico announced its intent to impose retaliatory tariffs on U.S. exports... The recently passed legislation to fund most U.S. government operations through the rest of the 2009 fiscal year included an amendment by Senator Byron Dorgan to kill the trucking program... That prompted the response by Mexico, which is allowed to retaliate under NAFTA...



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