User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ROADS SAFETY * Kenya - Police patrols boost security on Northern Corridor

Mar 18, 2009

ROADS SAFETY * Kenya - Police patrols boost security on Northern Corridor

Nairobi,Kenya -Business Daily Africa, by Steve Mbogo -March 18, 2009: -- Efforts to ensure smooth flow of goods in transit to Democratic Republic of Congo is bearing fruit as incidents of robbery drop drastically... Transporters are now confident on use of the Northern Corridor to move goods to and from Eastern and Central Africa after months of displeasure due to loss of goods along the route... “From weekly attacks last year, we have not had any reported since January,” said Godfrey Onyango, the executive secretary of the Northern Corridor Transit Transport Coordination Authority... (Photo - A fuel tanker: Efforts to ensure smooth flow of goods in transit to DRC is bearing fruit with increased police patrols)



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