User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ROAD TOLLS * Russia - May toll federal highways

Mar 19, 2009

ROAD TOLLS * Russia - May toll federal highways

Political leaders in Russia plan to solve the country’s highway funding problems by tolling most or all federal highways

Moscow,Russia -The Moscow Times/Land Line Magazine (USA) -March 17, 2009: -- ... Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov told a transportation panel on Friday, March 13, that tolling federal roadways, both existing and new capacity, would be consistent with government policy, The Moscow Times reported... Ivanov is urging the use of public-private partnerships to bring in needed revenue... Opposed to the plan is government deputy Sergei Shishkarev who chairs the Transportation Committee... Shishkarev does not believe such public-private partnerships are allowed under Russian law because of the issue of right of way... Earlier this year, Russian government leaders introduced and then withdrew legislation that would have created a company to oversee the development of toll roads... Russian law currently requires alternative toll-free routes running in the same direction in the proximity of a toll road...



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