User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: REST STOPS * USA - Why should states subsidize highway rest stops?

Mar 19, 2009

REST STOPS * USA - Why should states subsidize highway rest stops?

Washington,DC,USA -Greather Greather Washington -18 March 2009: -- Rest stops are a familiar sight along major highways across America. I'd always assumed they made money for the states. After all, huge numbers of motorists stop to get gas and buy fast food. States could charge a pretty penny for the rights to sell gas or burgers... Apprently, that's not the case. Virginia is considering closing 25 of its rest stops, and not just ones out in rural areas: many of the stops planned for closure are in denser Northern Virginia and the Richmond area. For some of those remaining open, VDOT cites "Economic benefit to Commonwealth" as the reason, but it's unclear whether they mean they make a profit on it, or whether they've just decided that subsidizing driving to those areas is a worthwhile financial tradeoff... (Photo:, by wander.lust)



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