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Mar 20, 2009

MARKET RESEARCH * France - Freight Transport Report 2009

A new market research report on

Paris,France -PR Inside (Wien,Austria) -19 March 2009: -- France is preparing to restructure its freight transport sector, with an emphasis on increasing the percentage carried by rail by transferring freight typically carried by road onto rail... On the back of the Grenelle Environment Forum in November 2007, the French government has proposed legislation to increase the percentage of freight not carried by road from 14% to 25% by 2012.... Our forecasts for the French industry are informed by the pan-European economic slowdown we are now expecting over 2009 and 2010. We see airfreight leading the way with average annual growth of 1.6%, followed by pipeline throughput (1.5%), road and rail (both at 1.4%), sea cargo (1.2%) and inland waterways (1.1%). BMI's freight industry business environment rating gives France a score of 59.9 (out of a theoretical maximum of 100), placing at the higher end of the European ranking... On the downside, the French freight industry has not yet developed its full international potential. BMI's conclusion is that the industry as a whole has solid foundations in the domestic market and, when international economic conditions become more supportive, may yet be able to build on these to support a bigger global role... (Picture: by Charles Bremner/Times -Truck on France highway)



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