User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CLEAN TRUCKS / DARK FUNDS ? * USA - Calif. Ports Struggle to Make ‘Clean Trucks’ Payments

Mar 20, 2009

CLEAN TRUCKS / DARK FUNDS ? * USA - Calif. Ports Struggle to Make ‘Clean Trucks’ Payments

Unexpected Participation and the Fees May Not Be Legal

CAL,USA -The Heartland Institute/Environment & Climate News (Chicago,IL,USA), by John Dale Dunn -1st. April 2009: ... Trucking companies that purchased expensive, low-emissions trucks under inducement from a Clean Trucks Program at the Port of Los Angeles and Port of Long Beach are in danger of bankruptcy as reports surface the two port authorities are unable to come up with the funds to meet their promises... The ports underestimated the number of trucking companies that would take advantage of a $20,000 reimbursement per new truck that met Clean Trucks Program standards... The Port of Los Angeles expected trucking companies to purchase roughly 1,000 trucks complying with the Clean Trucks Program, but since the program took effect on October 1, the companies have purchased more than 2,000 trucks eligible for reimbursement... The Los Angeles Business Journal, however, reported on January 21 the port’s ability to pay the outstanding claims depends on collecting “clean trucks” fees that have been blocked twice by the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC), the federal agency that oversees the nation’s ports... “The sustainability of [the] program is dependent on collection of the Clean Trucks fees at our local ports,” said Mike Fox, president and CEO of Fox Transportation. Fox is a member of the Clean Truck Coalition, a group of 10 family-owned trucking companies that favor the Clean Trucks Program. “Without the Clean Truck fees, this program will not have long-term viability.”... (Photo by Rick Loomis / Los Angeles Times - Vic La Rosa, owner of Total Transportation Services, ordered 111 cleaner-fuel trucks, each eligible for a $20,000 incentive through the Port of Los Angeles. The program was more popular than expected)



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