User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Collision Avoidance System * USA - Volvo has just unveiled its VEC clever cruise control

Mar 20, 2009

Collision Avoidance System * USA - Volvo has just unveiled its VEC clever cruise control

Louisville,KY,USA -Biglorryblog (UK) -March 19, 2009: -- Volvo Trucks North America's (VTNA) is now offering an advanced collision avoidance system known as Volvo Enhanced Cruise (VEC), which works with the truck's cruise control to maintain a safe following distance between you and the vehicle in front---what's more it will also automatically slow the truck down with the engine and service brakes to maintain a set following distance, while at the same time alerting the driver to potential danger if he's 'closing too fast'...With VEC the driver gets a beeping alert if they are closing the set-distance between their truck and the vehicle in-front. An uninterrupted modulating tone warns drivers to immediately apply the brakes or take evasive action if the distance is too short and closing speed is too high for VEC to a maintain safe following distance...A visual indicator on the Volvo instrument panel shows drivers the speed of the vehicle ahead and how quickly their truck is closing the gap. The indicator is a series of LEDs outlining the speedometer, as well as a red or green light for the "target" vehicle...The system's default following distance is 2.8 seconds between vehicles, or almost 250 feet when travelling at 60 mph. Drivers may change the following distance setting with a distance switch, available as a factory-installed option...



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