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May 9, 2008

TRUCK PARKING * USA - Washington DOT Releases Report

Seattle,WASH,USA -TruckingInfo -9 May 2008: -- There isn't enough parking in Washington State, according to a survey done by the state Department of Transportation... The Washington State Department of Transportation surveyed more than 450 truck drivers and nearly 100 trucking companies to get feedback on truck parking in Washington... Overwhelmingly, the industry reported a dearth of safe parking. WSDOT will use the feedback to improve truck parking along the major truck corridors of I-5, I-90, and I-82... WSDOT notes that improving truck parking would improve roadway safety by providing truck drivers a safe and legal place to park as they become fatigued... WSDOT will use the survey responses, and the results of a 2005 parking study, to make truck parking improvements, make investment decisions on additional parking, and to explore partnerships with other agencies and private commercial truck stop operators... (Video from YouTube, by sk00w - April 13, 2008: "Parking")



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