User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BORDER TROUBLES * Canada / USA - Industry Minister calls for improved cross-border trade

May 8, 2008

BORDER TROUBLES * Canada / USA - Industry Minister calls for improved cross-border trade

Washington,DC,USA -Truck News (CAN) -7 May 2008: -- Canada's Industry Minister Jim Prentice told business leaders in the US yesterday that the Canada/US border needs to be revamped to reduce costs and improve efficiency for cross-border trade... He said a "two-headed monster" has been created at the border... Prentice, speaking at the Council of the Americas, was quoted by the Canadian Press as saying: "Not only do we hamper the legitimate trade and travel that provide the foundation for North America's prosperity but we are also clearly misallocating resources. The dollars, hours and resources spent investigating legitimate travel and trade are dollars, hours and resources that would be better spent targeting the areas of highest risk."



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