TRUCK ACCIDENT * USA - Connection between Obesity & Sleep Apnea
“What was the weight of the truck driver who caused the accident?”
Michigan,USA -Michigan Auto Law, by Steven M. Gursten -7 May 2008: -- ... This is a question that lawyers should be exploring after a new safety recommendation issued in April that could have important legal ramifications for truck accident lawyers in Michigan... The Medical Review Board of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has proposed testing overweight truck drivers for sleep apnea, and to suspend these truck drivers until they receive treatment... This recommendation could lead to one million truck drivers getting screened for sleep apnea... Fifty percent of America’s 2 million truck drivers today qualify as medically obese. Unfortunately, being overweight poses dangers not only to the truck driver, but to people on the roadway as well. Obese truck drivers are statistically more likely to cause a truck accident. The government safety recommendation is based upon findings showing that truck drivers with obstructive sleep apnea have 2.5 times greater chance of causing a truck accident over truckers without sleep apnea...
Labels: Truckers' Health
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