User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: RULING * Luxembourg - EU nations tentatively approve liberalization of road haulage sector

Apr 8, 2008

RULING * Luxembourg - EU nations tentatively approve liberalization of road haulage sector

Luxembourg -The Associated Press/International Herald Tribune (Paris,France) -April 7, 2008: -- EU governments tentatively approved a plan on Monday that would make it easier for trucks from one member state to collect and deliver goods in another. The goal is to help liberalize an industry that remains highly divided by national borders... The EU transport ministers agreed that beginning in 2014 trucks should be allowed to take cargo to another country and to make three extra trips within that nation to pick up and deliver local goods there... But the trucks still would not be permitted to pick up cargo and take it back home. And that limitation led the Netherlands, Britain, the Czech Republic and Ireland to air misgivings about the plan. They said it would still keep too many trucks driving home empty, which goes against the EU's ambitious goals of slashing carbon emissions...



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