User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BORDER TROUBLES * Kashmir / Pakistan

Feb 11, 2015

BORDER TROUBLES * Kashmir / Pakistan

* Cross-LoC crisis deepens: PaK officials detain 50 Kashmiri truckers

(Photo:INP/file: Bus service resumes after Indian authorities detained a Pakistani truck driver for allegedly carrying 114 kilograms of heroine) 
--  Cross-LoC trade was suspended after 50 Kashmiri drivers were detained by the Pakistan Administered Kashmir (PaK) authorities, a day after police in the border town of Uri arrested a Muzaffarabad trucker on charges of smuggling narcotics into the Valley. Syed Anayat Hussain Shah, a Muzaffarabad resident, was arrested by police at the Trade Facilitation Centre, Uri, after 305 packets of narcotics were claimed to have been recovered from his truck coming from PaK...“50 Kashmiri drivers have been held by PaK authorities, while 21 truckers from their side are stranded here since Friday,” liaison officer TFC Salamabad Showkat Ahmad told Kashmir Reader... He said that except the driver who is being questioned for drugs recovered from his truck, the other PaK truckers were free to return. The only hitch is that the PaK authorities are not allowing them to return, Ahmad said... Chairman Salamabad-Chakoti Trade Union, Mohammad Arif Lone, expressed fears that the ongoing crisis might deepen and lead to huge financial losses to Kashmiri traders... Srinagar,Kashmir -The Kashmir Reader, by Izhar Nazir Ali -8 February 2015



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